Ten Project
10 weeks of tennis, friendship and lots of family fun!
THE NUMBERS 2019/20/21/22/23/24
Ten Project is a brand new initiative aimed at getting families to spend more time together while being active. It is aimed at providing children aged four - ten with high quality, fun, game based tennis coaching, that also involves the whole family, all FREE and affordable. 10 weeks of ‘in school’ tennis coaching is supplemented with a FREE parent/child session at the weekends on public owned local community tennis courts across the UK.
"Ten Project is a fantastic initiative, linking schools and community venues together to promote and encourage continued participation from families in tennis." Roy Staniland, Director, Park Tennis in Kingston Ltd
"The Ten Project has been fantastic for Coombe Hill. Staff cannot speak highly enough of the sessions that Ten Project has run, and the opportunity for parents to follow up what has been learnt in school during the free weekend sessions has been very motivational. A number of parents have gone out of their way to tell me how much they have appreciated it. Pupils need little reminder to bring their rackets, they are so keen to make the most of the sessions. The Ten Project seems to fit the aims of Sports Premium perfectly, not only in promoting sport in school but also encouraging families to get active in the community. I will certainly be planning to use the Ten Project again in our next academic year."
Mark Clutterbuck, Headteacher, Coombe Hill Junior School
"We want every child and parent to have the opportunity to get active and be part of Ten Project at their primary school and local public tennis court. We are now working to build Ten Project’s community with schools, local councils, sports bodies and other supporters in the UK."
Harry Lloyd, Founder & CEO, Ten Project
Case Study - Coombe Hill Junior School Numbers 2019
1) Over 80 families registered out of the 120 Year 3 children taking part in Ten Project
2) 55 families/children have purchased a tennis racket
3) Approx. 5-10 families (children/adults) have joined their local tennis club/tennis programme and are receiving tennis lessons etc (Coombe Wood LTC)
4) Over 10 families have booked their children on to local tennis camps (Coombe Wood LTC)
5) Over 10 families have enquired and or purchased a £50 household membership annual pass to Park Tennis In Kingston or book courts on an ad-hoc basis.
6) Coombe Hill have confirmed Ten Project to return in Summer Term 2020
7) 10 week attendance at our FREE weekend parent/child sessions on Sunday at Park Tennis In Kingston is as follows:
Week 1: 19
Week 2: 41
Week 3 43
Week 4: 54
Week 5: 30
Week 6: 27
Week 7: 34
Week 8: 29
Week 9: 34
Week 10: 41
Overall Ten Project Demographics (to date)
Since the start of Ten Project we have got over 9,000 families (well over 18,000 children & parents) active on a weekly basis through our School and Community Tennis Initiatives
*31st Dec 2024
Attendance Register (across all schools to date)
Over 4800 Children have attended 10 weeks of Ten Project in school
*31st Dec 2024
FREE Parent/Child Weekend Sessions Info (Parents registering to 'find out more' across all schools to date)
Over 3000 families have registered with Ten Project, with over 2500 agreeing to receive ongoing information via newsletter
To date* our FREE Parent/Child Weekend Sessions & FREE Community Family Sessions have welcomed well over 5000 families (over 10,000 children and parents)
*31st Dec 2024
Attendance Register (Weekend Sessions to date)
On average we are consistently seeing over 30 children and parents attending their FREE Parent/Child Weekend Sessions each week of a Ten Project School Initiative that takes place.
Increasing Family Inactivity
- Before Ten Project - On average 64% of families only took part in exercise as a family either 'less than once per week' or 'about once per week'
Less than once per week - 36%
About once per week - 28%
About twice per week - 15%
About three times per week - 6%
Four or more times per week - 5%
Rather not say - 10%
After Ten Project...
On average the regular attendees at our weekend sessions increased their physical activity as a family by at least double if not more. This involved attending the FREE weekend session each week, taking part in independent Ten Project activity by following the Activity Booklet and Online Videos, and in some cases furthering their interest in tennis and joining their local community court scheme or local tennis club tennis programme. This has prompted Kingston Borough Council and other councils to work with Ten Project to provide FREE Community Family Sessions on a regular basis going forward. FREE Community Family Sessions
Case Study - Further Tennis Activity - Tennis Clubs (to date)
From...School - Community Court - Tennis Club
Ten Project actively involves parents in the whole of Ten Project as we believe they play a vital role in making sure physical activity becomes a habit for life for the whole family.
FREE Community Family Sessions
Ten Project provides stand alone FREE Community Family Sessions on local community tennis courts working in partnership with local authorities and community tennis providers. Open to all families to attend in their local area these sessions are incredibly popular. The data below relates to our sessions in Kingston upon Thames. Since then we have launched sessions across the UK with more venues coming soon.
Week 1: (25th January 2020) of the FREE Community Family Sessions saw over 90 children and parents attend this fun, family friendly and informal session.
Week 2: 63
Week 3: 45
Week 4: 29
Week 5: 53
Week 6: 52
Week 7: 34
Week 8: 31
Week 9: Cancelled until further notice due to Covid-19
The Free Community Family Sessions re-started on 26th September under Covid safe rules and guidelines
Week 1: 36 (full capacity under Covid safe rules)
Week 2: 36
Week 3: 36
Week 4: 36
Week 5: 36
Week 6: Cancelled until further notice due to Covid-19
Week 7: 36
Week 8: 28
Week 9: Cancelled until further notice due to Covid-19
Community Court *
Approx. 50-70 families have either used a community court for a one off rental fee or they have purchased a £50 a year household membership. NOTE: This number almost certainly is considerably more given families would have used the community courts more than once. *Kingston upon Thames only
Tennis Club *
Over 50 children/adults (Families) have joined their local tennis club as follows:
Junior Tennis Camps (Half Terms/Summer Holidays)
Junior Programme
Junior Memberships
Parent Members
Full Adult Members
Individual Adult Coaching
Adult Classes
Financially this works out at well over £3,500 worth of revenue generated for the local tennis club. NOTE: Figures and financials are based on either yearly memberships or one off coaching sessions/programmes. These figures do not take into account repeat business, e.g. renewed memberships, multiple junior tennis camp bookings, repeat adult class bookings etc.
*Kingston upon Thames only
Ethnicity (to date)
White (White British/White Irish/Any other White background - 49%
Mixed (White and Black Caribbean/White and Black African/White and Asian/Any other Mixed background) - 10%
Asian/Asian British (Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi/Any other Asian background - 29%
Black/Black British (Caribbean/African/Any other Black background) - 2%
Chinese or other ethnic group (Chinese) - 6%
Prefer Not to Answer/Any other - 4%
Employment Status (to date)
Full Time - 32%
Part Time - 32%
Self Employed - 2%
Volunteer - 3%
Unemployed - 14%
Other - 17%
Feedback (to date)
- The teachers reported that Ten Project gave the children confidence, concentration, focus and improved classroom behaviour. The children were excited for their Ten Project session each week. Head teachers feel that Ten Project fits the aims of Sports Premium perfectly, promoting sport in school but also encouraging families to get active in the community. Head teachers found parents were more engaged in school life as a result of Ten Project.
“Ten Project has been fantastic for Coombe Hill. Staff cannot speak highly enough of the sessions that Ten Project has run, and the opportunity for parents to follow up what has been learnt in school during the free weekend sessions has been very motivational. A number of parents have gone out of their way to tell me how much they have appreciated it.
The Ten Project fits the aims of Sports Premium perfectly, not only in promoting sport in school but also encouraging families to get active in the community. I will certainly be planning to use the Ten Project again in our next academic year.”
Mark Clutterbuck, Headteacher, Coombe Hill Junior School
"The children have absolutely loved tennis lessons with Ten Project and Harry. The lessons are fully inclusive for all our children and the games and activities are exciting as well as motivating! It has been wonderful to see the children’s confidence develop in all round school life as the weeks have progressed. It has also provided me as a teacher with some excellent ideas to use in PE lessons!"
Miss Howard, Year 2, Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School
"It has been great so far and 'Coach Henry' has been fantastic with the children. We have had a number of children and parents attending the sessions at the weekend which is great as that is normally the barrier we face getting parental involvement."
Tom Blackburn, St Bartholomew's C of E Primary School, Leeds
- Children said:
"Thank you so much for all the things we learnt x"
"Thank you for being the best coach ever and teaching us. You have taught us so much and everyone has enjoyed Ten Project."
"Thank you for teaching us. I can now play with my mum and dad."
"Thank you for being the best coach ever. You have taught me how to play tennis properly. My favourite week was throwing and serving."
- Parents reported they felt part of the both the school and local community, it made them think about doing more exercise as a family, in most cases is got them active/gave them an opportunity to stay healthy when they otherwise wouldn't, it made them aware of local community courts they otherwise were not aware of, it started to make tennis and general exercise a habit for the families who turned up each week to the FREE sessions.
“Thank you, yet again, for another wonderful Saturday session! The coaching sessions are really fun and a great time for my husband and I to have fun together with our girls.
It has been lovely to also get our elder daughter involved in tennis as well as Stephanie, who has been taking part in Ten Project at school. They both love the Saturday sessions, your coaching and the time we get to spend together getting active as a family.
Both the girls are interested in taking tennis further and joining a program. The older one, Silwani, is 10 years old and the youngest, Stephanie, is 6 years old. Can you recommend a local tennis club/program that the girls can join?
Once again, thanks for the wonderful passion and enthusiasm you transfer to the parents and children during the Saturday sessions. Stephanie has been so excited about the whole program!”
TENOR (Parent/Guardian at Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School)
“I wanted to drop you a note to say how much we've enjoyed the Ten Project. Molly's tennis has progressed so quickly and it's great how the parents are involved; this encouraged us to sign up for Park Tennis In Kingston as now I know how to coach her outside of your lessons. It really has made tennis enjoyable for all of us and we're playing on the courts at Beverly Park on a regular basis now.
I would love for Molly to continue some sort of program for the Autumn term when she goes into year 4 and would be interested in the weekend options at a local tennis club so please do let me know how I can enrol for that. I've also been coaching my elder daughter Ella based on what you've taught us at the Ten Project, depending on the times of weekend sessions I would like to enrol her too. She will be going into year 6 in September.
Thanks for putting together such a great initiative!”
TENOR (Parent at Coombe Hill Junior School)
My son Jordan has NEVER been as enthusiastic or excited about a sporting activity as he has been about this programme - you guys are clearly doing amazing work.
Thanks a mil"
TENOR (Parent at St Agatha's Primary School)
We love Ten Project, especially in these difficult times, having such a fun and inclusive programme which has introduced Seb to the world of tennis is invaluable. They have great teachers with the right enthusiasm. Undoubtedly Seb's decision to want to carry on the sport after the programme has finished is down to how it's run. Thanks!
TENOR (Parent at St Agatha's Primary School)
“My son has loved the lessons at Alexandra and we look forward every week to our family sessions on Saturday. This has been a great initiative to get the whole family active. We’ve even gone on to book tennis court sessions for the whole family.”
TENOR (Parent at Alexandra Primary School)
“Dear Coach Harry, your lessons are very funny and made me love tennis. It’s the best tennis lessons I have been to. I have Ten Project lessons at school and they are also fun. I liked that I got a racket, book, t-shirt and tennis ball to play with. I will keep on playing tennis because I love it now.”
Georgia, aged 9
“What Ten Project has achieved with your energy has been phenomenal. As a parent I've loved seeing how much Georgia has got out of it. I’m now being asked to play rather than the other way round!”
TENOR (Parent at Alexandra Primary School)
“Just wanted to drop you an email to say how much fun Freya has been having at Ten Project. It’s the highlight of her week and weekend. After trying to get her into tennis with other lessons, Ten Project has been the only one that has made her not only really enjoy it, but she has also learnt so much. We really hope it can continue as the children and families really enjoy it and the improvements compared to other lessons really are chalk and cheese.
Please keep up the amazing work you are doing. I sincerely believe you are changing children’s and families lives by opening up a world that they wouldn’t have the pleasure of normally seeing.”
TENOR (Parent at Coombe Hill Primary School)